Professor from SMS - Unicamp stayed two weeks at the King´s College London as a Visiting Professor
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
04 de dezembro de 2019


Last November Prof. Diama Vale stayed two weeks at the King´s College London as a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine and the Guy´s and St. Thomas Hospital.

The visit was possible due to the grant awarded from the  CAPES International Cooperation Program (CAPES/PrInt-UNICAMP), held at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department by Professor Sophie Derchain.

Diama was hosted by the “Cancer Prevention Group”, coordinated by Professor Peter Sasieni. The group has a large experience performing audits of the National Health Service (NHS-UK) Cancer Control Programs.

During the visit the researchers worked on overscreening and overdiagnosis in Breast Cancer. The main objective was to design a research project regarding Breast Cancer Screening in Brazil and strengthen the network on Cancer Prevention.

Some data on Cervical and Colorectal Cancer Screening was further analysed. Professor Diama also had meetings and presented lectures at the Queen Mary University and the University College of London.


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