School of Medical Sciences receives Houssem Ayadi, a third-year medical student from the University of Sfax, Tunisia
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
14 de setembro de 2022


During the month of August, more precisely between the 1st and 25th, the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of the University of Campinas (Unicamp) received Houssem Ayadi, a third-year medical student from the University of Sfax, Tunisia, for a Public Health internship, within the Professional Exchange Program of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA). During his stay, he was under the supervision of Professor Rubens Bedrikow, professor of the Department of Public Health.
Houssem had the opportunity to learn a little about the history of the SMS during a visit to the Center of Memory and Archives, guided by historian Ivan Luiz Martins Franco do Amaral, participated in third mission activities in the Vila Paula slum, accompanied students on a visit to the Dr. Cândido Ferreira Health Service (Mental Health), where he was welcomed by psychologist Dr. Juliana Azevedo Fernandes, visited the Center for Studies and Research in Rehabilitation (CEPRE) in the company of Professor Dr. Carla Chamouton, helped set up an exhibition about an University Third Mission Program, along with students and residents from the Vila Paula Community, collaborated with the preparation of a Single Therapeutic Project as an activity of the Public Health discipline of the 5th grade, attended classes at the Occupational Health Clinic with students from the 5th grade under the supervision of Professor Sergio Lucca, accompanied a trauma care simulation class with students from the 6th grade, under the supervision of Professor Gustavo Fraga, among other activities.
He made friends with students with whom he had lunch and talked extensively, exchanging experiences. Houssem proved to be very polite, pleasant to get along with, and interested in different areas. He was a true ambassador of his country of about twelve million inhabitants, with four medical schools, and he did not only talk about medicine, but also about other interesting aspects of his beautiful country.
He will be welcome on the occasion of future exchanges, as will other Tunisian students.

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